Ringing in Ears (Tinnitus) Common in All Ages

Ringing in Ears (Tinnitus) Common in All Ages

Though not often understood by the general public, ringing in the ears occurs for nearly one in twenty Americans, producing a condition known as tinnitus. This highly annoying and potentially life-affecting condition may be manifested in a range of ways, but can often be treated by a trained audiologist, such a Fynes Audiology in Mesa, Arizona. Tinnitus may be experienced not only as a high-pitched ringing sound, but as a whistle, whir, hiss or buzz, or as any combination of these sounds. It may be felt constantly or intermittently, and is as unique as the patients it affects.

Common Causes of Tinnitus
One of the most common causes of tinnitus, according to a recent Chicago Tribune article, is exposure to loud noises without the benefit of adequate ear protection. This exposure may be damaging over the long term, or in just one incident. Some of the most common causes are sustained engine sounds from heavy to light machinery, explosions such as gunshots, and music from concerts or personal music players. These events may slowly cause damage or tinnitus over the long term, or may suddenly affect hearing with one exposure.

This damage is caused as a result of the level of sound waves which enter the ear, an exposure that is measured in decibels. Normal conversation sounds are often about 60 decibels, and sounds that are greater than 85 decibels may be strong enough to cause significant damage. For example, an average rock show decibel level is 110, which could cause serious and lifelong damage in only one exposure. In this example, where a person stands relative to the speakers may greatly affect the amount of decibels to which they are exposed. This damage occurs in the cells of one of the inner ear organs known as the cochlea, and is generally not reversible.

Treating Tinnitus in Mesa
Though the damage done with tinnitus is not commonly reversible, patients who have this debilitating condition may be able to benefit from modern tinnitus treatments. This is particularly useful for patients who feel that their tinnitus is greatly affecting their daily life, including sleep cycles, social interactions, work performance and personal mood. It is hard to know the real effects of tinnitus on a patient’s well-being due to the way it can effect every aspect of their life.
One of the main treatments for tinnitus is sound therapy, which use high-tech diagnostic technology to match a sound at a complementary frequency to the one being heard by the patient. This matching sound is then emitted by a device in the patient’s ear, which results in a minimizing or complete elimination of the offending sound. Many patients are able to find control of their tinnitus in a way that helps minimize the effects they’ve lived with for so long. Often these patients do not realize how badly the tinnitus was affecting their life until they have had a few days without its symptoms.

Contact Fynes Audiology Today
To learn more about the signs, causes, and treatments for tinnitus, or to schedule an appointment for yourself or someone else, please contact Fynes Audiology today.

Fynes Audiology


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