The Major Impacts of Hearing Loss in Mesa

Fynes Audiology ArizonaApproximately 48 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. From senior citizens to infants and from genetics to environmental causes, hearing loss shows no discrimination. For residents suffering from hearing loss in Mesa, the impact of hearing loss can greatly affect their everyday lives.

Your Safety

Unfortunately, the world isn’t designed with the hearing impaired in mind. Many safety alert systems utilize sirens to warn individuals of impending danger. Tornado sirens, fire alarms, car horns, and emergency vehicle sirens are all designed to alert those nearby, but their effectiveness is greatly reduced for those that suffer with hearing loss. This safety hazard will only intensify as hearing loss continues, putting you at risk for danger.

Loss of hearing also puts individuals at higher risk of falls. Difficulty hearing can cause a loss of awareness in the surroundings as individuals bring more of their attention to the ability to hear. This increased risk of falls intensifies as hearing loss increases, putting individuals at even more risk over time.

Your Friends & Family

Communication is key to a healthy relationship but difficulty hearing can imped this ability. The result is often frustration that can destroy healthy relationships with the people closest to you. This can lead to social isolation that further impacts the individual with hearing loss. Your friends and family are inevitably impacted by hearing loss, that will likely only increase over time.

Your Work

In some cases, the work environment can cause hearing loss. Loud machinery and excessive headphone usage can damage the delicate structure of the ear. This hearing loss can effect not only your ability to complete work at these jobs, but can impede your ability for any future work as well. Loss of hearing can cause you to miss important details in work and hinder productivity. It is reported that individuals suffering with advanced hearing loss even show a reduction in compensation in the workplace, further adversely affecting your life.

Your Happiness

With a negative impact on your safety, social life, and work ability, it’s only natural to expect your mental state to suffer. The decrease in quality of life adversely affects other areas of a person’s life. A person’s self-esteem and overall state of mind will diminish which can further impact the lives of those around you.

Dr. Fynes patientRather than suffering through the impact that hearing loss can have, individuals are encouraged to take action. For many people, hearing loss can be restored with the use of hearing aids. Further hearing loss can also be prevented with the use of custom earplugs and earbuds. Many of these are designed specifically for different environments that are prone to hearing damage.

If you are concerned about hearing loss, schedule your consultation with Dr. Cassandra Fynes of Fynes Audiology today. Dr. Fynes has proudly served the Mesa area for over ten years and can helping you with your hearing needs. Contact her office online or by calling (480) 456-0176 to schedule your consultation today.

Fynes Audiology


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