Is Earwax Causing Your Hearing Loss in Mesa?

The human body is an incredible machine. It self-regulates most of its functions. It even has built in cleaning methods. All of the gross bodily fluids we create are actually a means to clean and remove harmful debris from the body. Our mucus glands are hard at work to keep us safe, in our eyes, noses, ears, and other body parts. It’s not a topic people enjoy talking about but earwax is actually a pretty important factor for your ear.

What is Cerumen?

Earwax, more formally known as cerumen, is the ear’s cleaning system. It’s able to stop incoming debris such as dirt, bacteria, dust, and even small bugs, from making their way into the delicate ear canal. Earwax is created in the middle ear and is a mixture of secretions from the sweat glands and sebaceous glands within the ear canal. The fatty secretions naturally and slowly flow out of the ear thanks to jaw movement from talking and chewing, collecting debris along the way and clearing it from the ear. Typically as the earwax reaches the outer ear, the earwax dries and flakes away without us even noticing.

Genetics play a hard roll in the consistency of earwax. If it’s too sticky or too dry it can cause irritation and create a buildup. Wearing ear plugs, hearing aids, or earbud headphones for prolonged periods of time can also cause irritation. Over time, the consistency of earwax often changes as well, sometimes interfering with the natural process. The symptoms of wax buildup include itching, a feeling of fullness, pain, vertigo, tinnitus, and coughing due to a nerve pathway.

Many patients who experience a wax buildup turn to cotton swabs, in an attempt to remove excess wax from the ear. However, this actually causes more harm than good. Cotton swabs actually push wax back into the ear, rather than removing it from the canal. The result is worsened build up that can actually block the eardrum entirely, causing hearing loss. The eardrum utilizes small vibrations to relay sound. When earwax is compressed against the eardrum, it is unable to move, preventing the necessary vibration and can possibly even rupture the eardrum.

How to treat Earwax?

The best method to treat earwax buildup is simple irrigation. Simply place a few drops of warm water in the ear and tilt your head to the side for a few minutes to allow it to move behind the buildup. Then tilt your head in the opposite direction to allow it to move the buildup out of the ear. If your buildup is hard or dry you can use mineral oil, baby oil, or hydrogen peroxide to gently loosen the buildup. Over-the-counter drops work as well but are much more costly. Ear vacuums and other over-the-counter products are ineffective and can perforate the eardrum, causing permanent hearing loss in Mesa. Individuals should never insert objects of any kind into their ears. Additionally, ear candling techniques are not only ineffective, but can actually damage the ear and create a lot of risks.

If you are experiencing hearing loss from wax buildup, come to Dr. Cassandra Fynes of Fynes Audiology for a professional wax removal. Dr. Fynes utilizes special techniques and professional tools that can safely and effectively remove wax buildup and restore your hearing. Call our office at (480) 456-0176 today.

Fynes Audiology


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